Four established playwrights alongside two innovative writers from our Discovery programme ask what it means to call Britain ‘home’ in 2021 from the unique perspective of female writers with a South Asian background.
When the Fire’s Gone Out
Tuesday 12 October 7pm
Written by Naylah Ahmed | Directed by Helena Bell
Two mothers, disparate, yet inextricably connected. When the Fire’s Gone Out examines the impact of terrorism abroad and its legacy at home.
Wednesday 13 October 7pm
Written by Alia Bano | Directed by Tessa Walker
When Sara Khan decides to defend a woman who travelled to Syria to support IS, the tensions within her marriage and family rise to the surface. Inspired by the political debate around the Shamima Begum case, Stateless asks – What is a citizen? How do we determine who belongs and who doesn’t? Who has a right to call the UK ‘home’?
Empire of the Mind
Thursday 14 October 7pm
Written by Satinder Chohan | Directed by Poonam Brah
‘Empires of the future will be empires of the mind’ – Winston Churchill
Empire of the Mind conjures a 20th century colonial island past and its fallout in a 21st century psychotic British present.
King Troll
Friday 15 October 7pm
Written by Sonali Bhattacharyya | Directed by Milli Bhatia
A dystopian tale about the corrosive effect of the all too real Hostile Environment against migrants on two sisters. How do we dismantle the master’s house?
The Sweet Flood
Saturday 16 October 4.30pm
Written by Maeve Scullion | Directed by Helena Bell
Desperate for a distraction from global warming and the destruction of our planet, environmentalist Riya maps out new territory with her lover Avanti. A story of love, sexuality and an empowered desire to save the world.
Trigger Warning: The Sweet Flood includes strong language, adult content and sensitive subject matter, including references to sex, self-harm and suicide